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rezak admin
Architecture tizi
bienvenue:architizi .forum des étudiant en architecture de tizi ouzou

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rezak admin
Architecture tizi
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The Best of Newspaper Design, 25th Edition 110915100046883944
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 The Best of Newspaper Design, 25th Edition

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Auteur Message
Administrareur( rezak)
Administrareur( rezak)

Messages : 211
Points : 11563
Réputation : 0
Date d'inscription : 03/11/2009
Age : 41
Localisation : tizi ouzou
Emploi/loisirs : Architecte

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The Best of Newspaper Design, 25th Edition Vide
MessageSujet: The Best of Newspaper Design, 25th Edition   The Best of Newspaper Design, 25th Edition EmptyJeu 26 Nov - 20:33

The Best of Newspaper Design, 25th Edition 7726770

The Best of Newspaper Design, 25th Edition by Society for News Design
Rockport Publishers | 2004-10-01 | ISBN 1592530478 | PDF | 43.9 MB | 272 pages

[Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]

The Best of Newspaper Design: 25th Edition, part of Rockport’s highly
respected series, presents the winning entries from the Society for
News Design’s 2003 competition. Featuring work selected by a panel of
judges from more than 14,000 international publication entries, this
inspirational volume sets the bar for excellence in journalistic
design. Bold, full-color layouts feature the best-of-the-best in news,
features, portfolios, visuals, and more, and each entry is accompanied
by insightful commentary on the elements that made the piece a standout
winner. Every industry professional aspires to one day see his or her
work in this book.
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The Best of Newspaper Design, 25th Edition

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